Saturday, 19 September 2009

Research Analysis- The Market and current films that are being realised.

After brainstorming the ideas for our trailer, we decided that it would be dark and mysterious leaving potential viewers absolutely wanting to see it hence we decided to create the trailer so it would fit under the Psychological thriller genre, so it wouldn't be one of those films we it just requires the audience to sit there and watch it and just be predictable, but instead makes the audience think and want to find out guessing who is next and why he is doing this etc.

So instead of only analysing and looking at films just from the genre that we are doing i decided that i would look at new realised films and see if there is a gap in the market and if possible see how we could generate ideas of a unique selling point that would be included in our marketing package which will contain our strategies for selling and advertising, in our lessons and our private study times myself, gemma and jess have come up with concepts and ideas that we can employ into it, these will be mentioned in a later post.

Firstly when looking at new films being realised i have come to realise that they all have started to become dark, mysterious and deceiving etc these films being:

this shows that the market is currently in favor of such films and that in some circumstances this is what the target demographic wants even traditional stories such as Alice in Wonderland has now been turned into a "dark" film by the media giants.

Brief notes that will later be expanded in relation to the films above:

Harry Potter and the Half Blooded Prince.
It has become noticeable that as the Harry Potter movies are getting produced and released into the mainstream media industry the are becoming more gothic, illusive, deceptive, eccentric and hair raising!

Things that I picked up by watching the trailer and liked:
*dramatic and eye catching opening scene leaves the viewer wanting to know why they are there.
* the use of a narrator- personal touch.
* the use of close up's to convey emotions.
* amazing special effects.
* over 20 shots of different images displayed within a short space of time, and a flash up of lord voldemort's face and the end.
* Good use of transactions and the music accompany this.
*  wide range of shots used effectively.
* although this film is meant to be serious there are some comedy scenes added in to appeal to a younger audience and its intended audience.
* the coldness of some of the characters e.g. Malfoy- with the use of make-up etc.
* two different narrators Dumbledore and a general narrator- makes things more personal.
* travelling shot of a london road used- sets the location and adds excitement.
* train shot (could be used in our film as a point of view shot from the stalker/killer) and then a character appears.
*Use of smoke.
* Scene where character runs through a field, gives a sense that they are being chased, and does set a particular mood especially as it is in the dark.

Alice in Wonderland:


* the up shot where you could see her looking down into the rabbit hole, and would really like to if possible use this in our trailer. 
* The music was very upbeat and kept the viewer entertained.
* The idea of falling accompanied by special effects.
* Close up shot where Alice falls onto the floor.
* My personal favourtie shot from the trailer was the one below, which i know was in our story-board, with the phone on the sofa close up and the victim out in the background.

* Great use of establishing and panning shots.
* Cheshire cat face from special effects and his eyes.
* Close up shot of 'The Mad Hatter"

Although i know this film has many special effects that they were able to use due to their large budget i don't expect our trailer to be as good as this but, we could always consider small range special effects that can easily done on editing programs such as adobe after effects and I-movie.

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