Monday, 18 January 2010

These are the first lot of original images I took. They were taken from a photo album were mu family went to Disney land Paris. I thought that these would be excellent photo's to use as they really convey the meaning of family and family bonding etc. In which my film the bondage has been broken, that was once existing. One photo on my poster will have slipped from the album meaning that something is not quite right, one family member is isolated and something rather strange this will be reflected and shaded so it will create a more sleek affect.
The aspect that I am trying to represent, is that everything was 'ok ' at one point, all the family got along, happy days! every thing is relaxed and free etc. And now they one photo (the photo that will be slipped out is pic 2, as you cannot clearly see his face and he looks rather angry etc) meaning that something weird and unusual has occurred.

Here is an example of what i did.
I decided to have it in black and white as i felt things where more dramatic and scenes from when the protagonist is little have appeared in black and white flashbacks as well, also because the only coloured things in my poster is 'Victim', the slogans and the heartbeat and i really want these to be prominent.

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