- Romantic fantasy film released in November 2009. It set the records as the biggest midnight opening in box office history, achieving $26.3 million. A midnight market technique used as this film as about vampires who as we know mostly come out a night.
The most prominent feature of this poster is the 3 characters in the middle, two males and one female. Each male is looking away from each other, hinting that they are against each other/in conflict this can also be seen in another way i.e. their backs are to each-other and they are not looking at one another.
The female, with her arm around one of the characters although this appears to not to be a romantic gesture, but instead it appears as though he is protecting her as he is more muscular and built than the other. This is emphasised with the males strong bold face. The pale male figure is looking back at the girl, as if she means something to him conveying parts of the story-line.
The female figure looks torn between the two male characters and as she is the only female she is singled out in this image, and looks more innocent, signalling that she may be a protagonist.
The background is in the forest with a crescent moon in the sky. This effect is called ambient lighting as it is the only light emitted from the scene and 'rays' down onto the characters. The area that the film is set in from this poster looks highly rural with large forests areas with tall trees that seem barley inhabited unlike a suburban areas or cities.
The mist towards the bottom of the characters feet, add a mysterious streak to it as the entire figures are not visible. Other pieces of mis-en-scene that are important are the clothes that they are wearing, which look like typical teenager clothes i.e. Jeans and t-shirts. This helps appear to it's intended audience.
The font also adds to the theme of the poster, it makes it appear more magical with the 'twilight' at the top makes it easy to see that this film belongs to a series. But by using the word 'saga' defined as a long, involved story, account, or series of incidents/heroic achievement. This word created more impact as it illustrates the story to be ongoing, hinting that some characters may have prolonged life etc. The 'New Moon' is the most distinguished piece of text on the page (as it is highlighted and 'bolded') as it relates to the story, and the moon in the background.The actual title New Moon makes it seem like things are different in this movie in comparison to the others.
Then below it a divider is used an another crescent moon has been inserted all these little things have an input to the overall impact/atmosphere it creates on the viewer. Things appear more fantasy based.
Another thing worth mentioning is the way that all the text is joined up together, using an example from the poster, posted below
By having the text all joining together makes a sense that everything is connected and that things are put in order for example new moon is in the series hence it is situated below. Every bit of text is entwined with each-other.
The release date is then posted at the bottom of the poster, all in digits. Although i haven't seen it before, or i haven't picked up that the month of the release date is positioned first and then the date and year. After looking at this for a while i have realised that this is an American film and most American institutions use that format. Below the release date again like other posters is the logo of the institution that is behind the film, blending in with the colour scheme, not taking up to much of the focus, but can still be seen.
Overall when deconstructing this poster I have come to see that there has been a lot of thought and effort gone into this, and that many ideas have come out when looking at it and, that little things such as the moon placed within the trees can have such a big impact on the viewer. I will have to keep this in mind when creating mine if i want it to look professional and resemble professional ones like this.